Sunday, November 17, 2013

11/12/2013 Project Introduction

Hello, welcome to our project blog!

First, we would like to introduce ourselves.We are Team Untouchable (consisting of Erek, Jeannie, Kari-Ann, and Tyler) and we are working on our Mechanical Design Lab project. This class introduced us to Solidworks design and Arduino programming and therefore for this project, we were given the task to design a mechanism that can be controlled using an Arduino based circuit.

Instead of designing a mechanism from scratch, we are cannablizing an old remote car (donated by Tyler) and rewiring it to fit our purposes. Using our Arduino based circuit and coding, our goal is to have the car turn on using a light sensor, and have the car be able to stop itself/reverse directions before or as soon as it bumps into walls and other items. An audio component may also be added to the circuit, as well as some other things that we may have planned for the future.

In terms of our Solidworks designs, we are planning on designing a superstructure that will support all the electronic components of our mechanism. Some parts will be 3D printed while other parts may be cut out from acrylic sheets.

We will be keeping you all updated with our group meetings and will be posting more pictures and videos of our progress soon!

Picture of the RC car:

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