Monday, November 25, 2013

11/17/2013 Arduino Update

Our group met to publish our code onto GitHub and upload the code onto an arduino. After figuring out the Github website, the code was uploaded and few errors were fixed. The group then added comments to tell what the arduino is going to do.

analogRead(2) //values determine the trigger point for the photocell.
 analogRead(0) and analogRead(1) //values determine the current which will cause the Arduino to think the package has hit an obstacle.  If you run on carpet, the values may need to be higher.  If you run the motors faster, the value may need to be higher.
//Note that the "startup current" on motors is greater than the "run" current--that's why there is a delay on forward before checking the current values.

int valm=0;
 int valm1=0;
 int trigger=0;
 int triggerlock=0;
 const int pwmA=3;
 const int pwmB=11;
 const int brakeA=9;
 const int brakeB=8;
 const int dirA=12;
 const int dirB=13;
 const int relay=7;
void setup() {

pinMode(relay, OUTPUT);

digitalWrite(relay, HIGH);
delay(2000);//leave relay on 2 seconds to play song
 digitalWrite(relay, LOW);
void loop() {
   if(trigger<900 or triggerlock>0) {//light shining on sensor now or previously
     triggerlock=10;//don't check light again
     pinMode(dirA, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(brakeA, OUTPUT);
pinMode(dirB, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(brakeB, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(dirA, HIGH);//forward A
 digitalWrite(brakeA, LOW);//release brake A
 analogWrite(pwmA, 150);//set speed A
digitalWrite(dirB, HIGH);//forward B motor
 digitalWrite(brakeB, LOW);
 analogWrite(pwmB, 150);//set speed B

 if(valm>520 or valm1>520) {
 digitalWrite(relay, HIGH);//turn on sound
 digitalWrite(relay, LOW);
 digitalWrite(brakeA, HIGH);//stop motor A
 digitalWrite(brakeB, HIGH);//stop Motor B
digitalWrite(dirA, LOW);//reverse A
 digitalWrite(brakeA, LOW);//release brake A
 analogWrite(pwmA, 150);//set speed A
digitalWrite(dirB, LOW);//reverse B
 digitalWrite(brakeB, LOW);
 analogWrite(pwmB, 150);//set speed B
digitalWrite(brakeA, HIGH);//stop one wheel
 digitalWrite(brakeB, HIGH);//stop other wheel

//start both wheels forward
 digitalWrite(dirA, HIGH);//forward A
 digitalWrite(brakeA, LOW);//release brake A
 analogWrite(pwmA, 150);//set speed A
digitalWrite(dirB, HIGH);//forward B
 digitalWrite(brakeB, LOW);
 analogWrite(pwmB, 150);//set speed B
delay(700);//get past startup current

Our program successfully can get the recording module to work with the photosensor. Our problem is that it plays when the light is off of the sensor. We then decided to begin working on the frame design while we wait for our pieces to be mailed to us.

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