Friday, December 13, 2013

12/13/2013 Update

After trying several different ways to get our mechanism to start running properly, we realized that we couldn't using the materials that we had. The 6V battery that we have was not enough to power the circuit. Given more time, we would trade that for a higher voltage battery. Also, the motor shield that we got did not have the sensing capabilities that we wished for, so if we were to do this again, we would have gotten a better motor shield. Under these circumstances, we were only able to get one part of our circuit running at a time. For our project, we were hoping to get a light sensor to turn on the recording module and to turn on the motor to get the RC car running. With the battery we had, we were unable to get both parts running. In other words, we could have gotten the photosensor to turn on the recording module, or we could have used the power to get the car moving, but not both at the same time.

However, here are some photos of the assembled project and a video of the car moving:

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